Multigas's Gender Equality Plan is a practical commitment to the principles of gender equality and ensures that we (will) continue to work actively to integrate these principles into our activities and to promote ensuring equal opportunities between women and men.
This Gender Equality Plan is based and developed on the basis of four thematic areas - priority axes, following the guidelines of the European Institute for Gender Equality. These constitute of Multigas practical commitment to the principles of gender equality and are the following:
• Priority axis 1: Work-life balance and organizational culture
1. Ensuring gender equality as a basic principle in existing of Multigas texts, policies, procedures
2. Use of inclusive / neutral language in presentations / communication activities and in all new of Multigas texts (e.g. publications, publicity material)
3. Confirmation of the Multigas commitment through a relevant reference on the website
4. Promoting gender equality by informing the public (e.g. Multigas website)
5. Development of new and strengthening of old collaborations with organizations promoting gender equality, etc.
• Priority axis 2: Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
1. Promoting actions to strengthen the participation of women in positions of responsibility and in committees (project operators, working group leaders, etc.). Encouragement and urge of women to claim positions of responsibility / participation in committees.
2. Support women by training in leadership and management and by cooperating both with agencies and organizations that specialize in empowerment
• Priority axis 3: Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
1. Women’s participation in recruitment and development committees
2. Gender Equality Officer’s advisory participation both in the process of recruitment and in the evaluation of each applicant
3. Utilization of different media - among others – Multigas site, Multigas accounts on social media, for the publication of announcements in order to attract more applicants with different profiles
4. Monitoring the process a) by recording (by gender) the applications submitted in each recruitment (on an annual basis), b) by recording (by gender) of the new employees (on an annual basis)
5. Promoting Multigas as an equal opportunity employer through relevant reference to new job advertisements, the website where new jobs are posted, etc
6. Systematic monitoring of payroll data and creating of reports (composition by gender, position and hierarchical level)
• Priority axis 4: Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment
1. Establish a policy to prevent and combat violence and harassment in the workplace
2. Training to deal with incidents of violence and harassment in the workplace
3. Awareness / information about violence and harassment (e.g. provision of information material) in the workplace
Evaluation & Monitoring
Thus, it is ensured that Multigas (will) continue to work actively to integrate these principles into its activities under the guidance of the Gender Equality Officer.
Given that the Gender Equality Plan is an institutional statement by Multigas on gender equality in its day-to-day operations and outlines the objectives and actions for maintaining or enhancing these gender equality policies, monitoring its implementation as well as its periodic review is an important dimension that ensures that the process of achieving gender equality is time consuming. The assessment of the need for revision - modification is carried out on a triennial basis.